Meet the Team
Who We Are
Sixty Feet began its ministry in Uganda in 2010. Starting with a few simple things and a few people in one particular prison facility, the ministry has grown in experience, knowledge, expertise, numbers, and outreach.
Team Leaders
Our Team Leaders in Africa execute our mission and vision each day. They are the people, on the ground, who are sharing Jesus with imprisoned children as they serve them in very tangible ways. They are the hands and feet of Sixty Feet and we are incredibly grateful for all of their work, sacrifice, and dedication to the Lord.

Meredith Byrd Walujjo
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Meredith first heard of Sixty Feet in 2015 through a friend and felt called to pursue an internship with them after graduating from college at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. She moved to Uganda and began serving as the Child Development Coordinator in May 2016 and works directly with the children Sixty Feet sponsors in school. She loves visiting and encouraging the children, reminding them that no matter their past, God still has great plans for their lives.

Catherine Majenge
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Mama Catherine has been caring for children in Uganda for decades and continues to give all that she has in order for the least fortunate to be cared for. Her selfless lifestyle is a blessing to Sixty Feet and the children we serve together. Catherine began visiting the remand homes with us several times per week in September of 2011 and we have seen so much progress in the lives of the children ever since.

Ava Weeks
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Ava first learned about Sixty Feet through her church, Rivertree in Alabama. In October of 2013, her daughter and daughter-in-law went to Uganda with Sixty Feet on a short-term mission trip. She has been an educator for over 40 years, serving 10 years as a missionary in the Pacific. Ava has a heart for children, particularly those who are underprivileged and have special needs, and is thrilled to be given the opportunity to work with Sixty Feet serving the children of Uganda.

Ivan Rubongoya
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Ivan is the office manager for Sixty Feet, but he wears LOTS of hats! Ivan is responsible for making sure we always have the needed supplies for each prison or facility and for each sponsored child. He drives our teams to the facilities each day, and when he has time, even leads Bible studies with the children.

Ernest Majenge
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Pastor Ernest has been planting churches and serving in Uganda and other East African countries for decades. His most recent church plant – Gateway Church has partnered with Sixty Feet in 2011 and we are working hand in hand to serve the imprisoned children as completely as possible. Ernest truly loves children and it is clearly evident in how he interacts with them during his visits with Sixty Feet in the remand homes.

Paddy Brick
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Paddy is a social worker with Sixty Feet that is responsible for tracing, resettling and following up with children. He has been integral in helping with children that have special medical needs. Paddy is our liaison for two facilities and ensures the transaction of supplies they need is conducted thoroughly. He also makes recommendations for children that should enter our child development program.

Kirabo Doka
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Kirabo is our Discipleship Team Leader. Kirabo coordinates all the Bible Studies and worship services at the facilities where we serve. He has even made a small choir at the facility with the youngest children, where he tells them bible stories twice a week and helps them know Jesus’ great love!

Winnie Nagawa
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Winnie is our Clinical Officer and she leads our Mobile Medical Team. Winnie has such a heart for these children and loves interacting with them each day! Winnie helps oversee all our hospital referrals and ensures children who need additional nutrients get the food and vitamins they need to grow healthy and strong.

Eridi Deziderio
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Eridi is our Counselor. He is passionate about helping teens through challenges they face, from the time they are incarcerated through their reunification with their families. Biblical counselling plays an integral role restoring hope in the lives of children fighting rejection, denial, behavioral challenges, among others.

Ivan Walulumba
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Ivan is a nurse on the Sixty Feet Medical Team. He is passionate about Jesus and making Him known through his gift of medicine. He loves serving and caring for the children in the prisons. He says it is “a very great privilege to listen to their needs, physical, spiritual, and emotional.

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I am a social worker joined sixtyfeet team in 2023. I am working alongside our lead social worker coordinator. I do tracings, resettlement, and following up children in schools and apprenticeship places. I am passionate and love working with disadvantaged and imprisoned children. I believe in proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he/ she is old, he will not depart from it”

John Agani
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John works as a nurse on our medical team. He met Sixty Feet 13 years ago as a child in one of the facilities where we serve. We followed him through his studies and are lucky to now have him on our team. John shares his story and the hope of Christ’s love with each child he meets.
Team Leaders
Our US Team Leaders support our Ugandan staff and run our communications, fundraising, and development. Without their hard work, we wouldn’t be able to support our amazing Africa-based Team Leaders!

Mark “Boog” Ferrell
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Boog is the Executive Director of Sixty Feet. Boog & Florence Ferrell have been a part of Sixty Feet since 2011 when Flo first encountered Sixty Feet’s work in Uganda while on a short term mission trip through their local church. After traveling to Kampala with their two girls in the Summer of 2012, the Ferrell Family returned for a year in August of 2013, serving in the roles of In Country Director and Teams Coordinator. Boog joined the board in 2020 and transitioned into his role as Executive Director in 2023. He and Florence are raising girls and running businesses in Athens, Texas.

Hannah Stricklin
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Hannah is on the development and marketing team for Sixty Feet. She taught elementary school for many years before becoming a mom to her two children. Hannah began working with Sixty Feet in 2021 and has loved interacting with donors and the team in Uganda. She is dedicated to the growth of Sixty Feet in Uganda and hopes to visit her team soon. Hannah lives in Bedford, TX with her husband and 2 children.

Jennifer Williams
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Jennifer runs Sixty Feet’s social media and communication. She was an educator for several years before becoming a mom to her two children. Jennifer is a talented designer and business owner. She is passionate and excited about the work being done in Uganda through Sixty Feet. Jennifer lives in Uvalde, TX with her husband and 2 children.

Natalie Hopper
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Natalie has been leading fundraising efforts in the nonprofit sector for the past 7 years. Most recently, she was the Director of Philanthropy for a financially-accessible, dual-language school. Now she has the joy of partnering with organizations like Sixty Feet to write grants and resource programs through the fundraising efforts she implements. Natalie lives with her husband (Lee) and daughter (Virginia) in Fort Worth, TX.
Sixty Feet
Board of Directors
Our Board of Directors leads our entire organization by providing the vision, oversight, and financial accountability needed for Sixty Feet to thrive.

Scott Harty
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Scott Harty, a tax lawyer from Atlanta, says his first trip to the Uganda children’s prison “broke me” – and left him determined to plunge in with Sixty Feet. What does he love best about Sixty Feet? “Foremost, is the commitment to the Gospel and Matthew 25.” A family man through and through, Scott is married to Joy, and they have four girls.

David Roe
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David has been on the board of Sixty Feet since its founding in 2010. He is a pediatrician and partner at Piedmont Pediatrics in Atlanta,GA. He and his wife Charity have four children. David enjoys opportunities to serve the children of Uganda using his skills as a pediatrician. One particular highlight from his past trips to Uganda was leading the first ever Father-Son mission trip with his oldest son in 2012.

Tim Kay
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Tim Kay is Director of Partner Relations for African Bible Colleges and a visiting lecturer in Bible, Theology and Christian Ministry at African Bible University in Kampala, Uganda. Tim and his wife Andrea were introduced to Sixty Feet and first visited Uganda in 2012. They lived in Kampala in 2013 while Tim taught at African Bible University and ministered to the staff of Sixty Feet. Says Tim, “I love watching the lives of at-risk children and youth in Uganda being transformed by the power of the Gospel through the programs of Sixty Feet.”

Ray Elsayed
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Ray and Leslie have long been supporters of orphan care and Sixty Feet. They first traveled to Uganda in 2012 to adopt their daughter Gift and it was then that they got to see the work of Sixty Feet firsthand. Ray became the Medical Director for Sixty Feet and oversaw all of the medical care provided by the organization. They have since moved back to the United States, where Ray is a Family Physician and Leslie is an RN. They have six children.

Emily Williams
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Emily Williams served with Sixty Feet in Uganda from 2013-2015 in many different roles, including Interim Director, Project Coordinator, and Finance Director. Upon returning to the US, she worked as the principal of a preschool and elementary school before becoming the Executive Director of Sixty Feet. In 2023 she moved from Executive Director to a role on our Board of Directors. Emily lives in Fort Worth, TX with her husband and 3 children.

Michael Walters
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Michael and his wife, Amy, first served with Sixty Feet in Uganda in 2017 and have continued to stay connected in various capacities since then. Michael has a background in the Navy and Amy is a nurse. They returned to missions work in 2023, moving to Nairobi, Kenya with their six children.
Today our team in Uganda consists of expat and Ugandan volunteers, nurses, social workers, professional counselors, and teachers. Our team reminds us of what the Apostle Paul teaches in 1 Corinthians. “Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.”